© Healing Herbs
 © Healing Herbs
Healing Herbs Stock Impatiens
Those who are quick in thought and action and wish all things to be done without hesitation or delay. When ill they are anxious for a hasty recovery. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936]

You are striving for exquisite gentleness and forgiveness, and that beautiful mauve flower, Impatiens, which grows along the sides of some Welsh streams, will, with its blessing, help you along the road. [Bach]

State of Being
At all times when there is impatience. Impatient with themselves, wanting to hurry things, wanting to do things quickly, wanting to get well at once, to be out and about again. Impatient with others, irritable over little things, difficult to keep their temper. Cannot wait. This state is common and often a good sign during convalescence, and the restfulness this remedy brings hastens recovery. There is often impatience in severe pain and so Impatiens is of great value at those times to relieve the pain and calm the patient.
From € 14,64
* Maximum order quantity: 99
