Healing Herbs Bloesemremedies
Healing Herbs Stock Agrimony The jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrel, to avoid which they will agree to give up much. Though generally they have troubles and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body, they hide their cares behind their humour and jesting and are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or drugs to excess, to stimulate themselves and help themselves bear their trials with cheerfulness. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation The lesson of this plant is to enable you to hold your peace in the presence of all the trials and difficulties until no one has the power to cause you irritation. [Bach] State of Being To soothe all those tormented in body or mind and bring them peace. The restless, the worried, the anxious, the tortured. Those who can find no peace of mind, no rest. There is such a vast army of these sufferers who so often hide their torment under smiles and joviality. They are often the cheeriest of people, and frequently humorists. A great number of these seek refuge in alcohol or even drugs as stimulants to help them to keep going. They will do anything rather than depress others with their trials. Even in severe illness they will jest and make light of their trials. They are brave people and Agrimony will help them so much. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Aspen Indication Vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation, no reason. Yet the patient may be terrified of something terrible going to happen, he knows not what. These vague unexplainable fears may haunt by night or day. Sufferers are often afraid to tell their trouble to others. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation The development of Love brings us to the realization of Unity, of the truth that one and all of us are of the One Great Creation. The cause of all our troubles is self and separateness, and this vanishes as soon as Love and the knowledge of the great Unity become part of our natures. [Bach] Emotional State For psychological fears of unknown origin, vague unreasoning and inexplicable, sudden apprehension, fear of unseen power or force, fear of sleep for what sleep may bring, fear of dreams, association with death and religion, usually kept secret. Symptoms may include headaches, eyestrain, haunted look, sweating, trembling, gooseflesh, sudden faintness, sleep walking/talking, tired and nervy. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Beech Indication For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And, though much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within. So as to be able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are working to their own final perfection. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation That we never criticise nor condemn the thoughts, the opinions, the ideas of others; ever remembering that all humanity are God’s children, each striving in his own way to find the Glory of his Father. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies] Emotional State Those who are critical, dissatisfied, intolerant, irritable, always finding fault, seeing only the negative side of things. Annoyed by small matters – the oddities and mannerisms and idiosyncrasies of others. Demand exactness, order and discipline. Arrogant people who complain of others, petty anger, sound in judgement but sour, cynical, unsympathetic. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Centaury Indication Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. They overtax their strength in their endeavours. Their wish so grows upon them that they become more servants than willing helpers. Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work, and in so doing they may neglect their own particular mission in life. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Centaury, that grow in our pastures, will help you to find your real self, so that you may become an active, positive worker instead of a passive agent. [Bach] State of Being To give strength. The weakness after illness: pale, languid, tired, no energy, limp, exhausted. Drained of vitality. Those who desire peace at any price. Even in illness they may be too willing to help others and get tired and worn-out by their efforts. The mind is often alert, but the body weak, too weak to make much effort. Meek, submissive and imposed upon because of their good natures. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Cerato Indication Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions. They constantly seek advice from others, and are often misguided. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Cerato will help you to find your individuality, your personality, and, freed from outside influences, enable you to use the great gift of wisdom that you possess for the good of mankind. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Cherry Plum Indication Fear of the mind being over-strained, of reason giving way, of doing fearful and dreaded things, not wished and known wrong, yet there comes the thought and impulse to do them. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation This drives away all wrong ideas and gives the sufferer mental strength and confidence. [Bach] Emotional State For desperation, fear of insanity, loss of control, an uncontrollable impulse, nervous breakdown, suicidal, obsessive fear, delusions. Symptoms usually build up over a period of time: pallor, staring eyes, agitation, sometimes nervous talk or obsessive questioning; imminent, mild insanity. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Chestnut Bud Indication For those who do not take full advantage of observation and experience, and who take a longer time than others to learn the lessons of daily life. Whereas one experience would be enough for some, such people find it necessary to have more, sometimes several, before the lesson is learnt. Therefore, to their regret, they find themselves having to make the same error on different occasions when once would have been enough, or observation of others could have spared them even that one fault. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation We learn slowly, one lesson at a time, but we must if we are to be well and happy, learn the particular lesson given to us by our spiritual self. [Bach] Emotional State Those who fail to learn by experience and go on repeating the same mistakes again and again. They may be impatient and always thinking ahead and so fail to see what is happening, failing to base their actions upon past experience. They may be careless, clumsy, slow in learning, inattentive and as children even unresponsive to learning. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Chicory Indication Those who are very mindful of the needs of others; they tend to be over-full of care for children, relatives, friends, always finding something that should be put right. They are continually correcting what they consider wrong, and enjoy doing so. They desire that those for whom they care should be near them. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation If we but sufficiently develop the quality of losing ourselves in the love and care of those around us, enjoying the glorious adventure of gaining knowledge and helping others, our personal griefs and sufferings rapidly come to an end. It is the great ultimate aim: the losing of our own interests in the service of humanity. [Bach] State of Being When ill, these people worry over others, children, friends, relatives; are anxious that they are too warm, too cold, not happy, not enjoying themselves. Constantly asking them how they are and what they would like. Over-anxious in efforts to please them. Many questions as to their wishes and requirements. This state brings no peace and strains the patient. Sometimes the patients feel sorry for themselves; feel that they have done nothing to deserve to be ill; they are ill-used and neglected, that others are not caring for them. Often they have a good colour when ill; the people whose looks do not pity them. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Clematis Indication Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life. Quiet people, not really happy in their present circumstances, living more in the future than in the present; living in hopes of happier times, when their ideals may come true. In illness some make little or no effort to get well, and in certain cases may even look forward to death, in the hope of better times; or maybe, meeting again some beloved one whom they have lost. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation The remedy brings stability: and places the patient on a more practical plane; brings them ‘down to earth’; and so enables them to fulfil their work in this world. [Bach] State of Being To combat all sleepy, drowsy, listless states. When the patient loses interest. Makes no effort to get well. Seems indifferent as to what happens: has no enthusiasm about anything. Only half hear what is said to them. These people are often dreamy, far-away, apathetic, live in their thoughts; maybe thinking too much of someone they have lost, or dream of ambitions they do not strive to realise. They seem contented, being not fully awake, and happy in their dreams of ideals. They are generally quiet and gentle, but they do not find enough joy in life itself; do not live enough in the present. Ordinary fainting may be of this type and in unconscious cases it is sufficient to moisten the lips with the remedy. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Crab Apple Indication This is the remedy of cleansing. For those who feel as if they had something not quite clean about themselves. Often it is something of apparently little importance: in others there may be more serious disease which is almost disregarded compared to the one thing on which they concentrate. In both types they are anxious to be free from the one particular thing which is greatest in their minds and which seems so essential to them that it should be cured. They become despondent if treatment fails. Being a cleanser, this remedy purifies wounds if the patient has reason to believe that some poison has entered which must be drawn out. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Never for one moment should we become engrossed or over-anxious about them [our bodies], but learn to be as little conscious of their existence as possible, using them as a vehicle of our Soul and mind and as servants to do our will. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State The remedy for cleansing. For those who feel in some way unclean, contaminated, often minor ailment which assumes great importance in the mind of sufferer causing despondency and self-disgust. Applicable to physical or psychological condition, wherever there is something repellant to the self, the remedy restores a sense of proportion. Symptoms may include skin ailments, poison in the body or a wound, unwholesome habits. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Elm Indication Those who are doing good work, are following the calling of their life and who hope to do something of importance, and this often for the benefit of humanity. At times there may be periods of depression when they feel that the task they have undertaken is too difficult, and not within the power of a human being. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Life does not demand of us unthinkable sacrifice; it asks us to travel its journey with joy in our heart and to be a blessing to those around, so that if we leave the world just that trifle better for our visit, then have we done our work. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For those who are very capable and often carry great responsibility but occasionally feel unable to face the magnitude of their tasks. Thus they are sometimes overwhelmed, falter and momentarily lose confidence. It is as if they have temporarily lost their connection and this causes them great discomfort and distress. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Five Flower 5 Flower® Essence – the ‘rescue remedy’ formula The five flower remedy of emergency. It is used as a single essence and can be added with others to make individual and personalised Bach essence combination. It comprises Impatiens, Rock Rose, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem and Cherry Plum
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Healing Herbs Stock Gentian Indication Those who are easily discouraged. They may be progressing well in illness or in the affairs of their daily life, but any small delay or hindrance to progress causes doubt and soon disheartens them. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation The little Gentian of our hilly pastures will help you to keep your firmness of purpose, and a happier and more hopeful outlook even when the sky is over-cast. It will bring you encouragement at all times, and the understanding that there is no failure when you are doing your utmost, whatever the apparent result. [Bach] State of Being For those who are faltering or are despondent. Look on the dark side and are pessimistic. In convalescence when they think they have come to a standstill; really doing well but tend to be discouraged and doubt that they are making progress. This is for those who feel as if the difficulties before them are too big to be overcome and temporarily lose heart. In this state they only want a little encouragement which this remedy will give them and they will do well. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Gorse Indication Very great hopelessness, they have given up belief that more can be done for them. Under persuasion or to please others they may try different treatments, at the same time assuring those around that there is so little hope of relief. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Now let us think about those who have been ill for some time, or even a long time. There is again every reason to be hopeful of benefit, either improvement or recovery. Never let anyone give up hope of getting well. [Bach] Chronic Conditions Gorse is for those who have suffered much and whose courage, as it were, has failed; who have lost the heart to try any more. They say they have been told that nothing can be done, that they are past all medical help, and even if they do start treatment they say that they have been ill for so many months or years as the case may be, that they will not expect improvement for a long time. People who need Gorse are generally sallow and rather darkish in complexion, often with dark lines beneath the eyes. They look as though they needed more sunshine in their lives to drive away the clouds. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Heather Indication Those who are always seeking the companionship of anyone who may be available, as they find it necessary to discuss their own affairs with others, no matter who it may be. They are very unhappy if they have to be alone for any length of time. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation We must steadfastly practice peace, imagining our minds as a lake ever to be kept calm, without waves, or even ripples, to disturb its tranquillity and gradually develop this state of peace until no event of life, no circumstance, no other personality is able under any circumstances to ruffle the surface of that lake. [Bach] Chronic Conditions The characteristic of the Heather people is that they worry over the troubles of others, not the big things of life, but the affairs of everyday. They try all means in their power to persuade or even compel others to do what they think right. Their diseases are often not very severe until towards old age, but they may suffer a considerable amount of inconvenience and interference with their daily life for years at a time through minor maladies. They are inclined also to be a little afraid for themselves if they get even slight trouble. They like people to be dependent upon them, and they take pleasure in feeling that they are being of use and help to any in difficulty. Heather people are often well-built and of high colour, full-blooded, strong in body and full of energy and activity, and are unsparing of themselves in exertions for others. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Holly Indication For those who are sometimes attacked by thoughts of such kind as jealousy, envy, revenge, suspicion. For the different forms of vexation. Within themselves they may suffer much, often when there is no real cause for their unhappiness. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation The ultimate conquest of all will be through love and gentleness, and when we have sufficiently developed these two qualities nothing will be able to assail us, since we shall ever have compassion and not offer resistance. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For any kind of strongly negative state: anger, jealousy, bitterness, rage, envy, suspicion, revenge, hatred, violence, bad temper, contempt, vexation, selfishness, frustration – all states antipathetic to love. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Honeysuckle Indication Those who live much in the past, perhaps in a time of great happiness, or memories of a lost friend, or ambitions which have not come true. They do not expect further happiness such as they have had. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Finally, let us not fear to plunge into life; we are here to gain experience and knowledge, and we shall learn but little unless we face realities and seek to our utmost. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For nostalgia, homesickness, those who live much in the past, past loves, happiness, regrets, success or failures, those who live on their memories, desiring to escape the present in a romanticised view of the past. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Hornbeam Indication For those who feel that they have not sufficient strength, mentally or physically, to carry the burden of life placed upon them; the affairs of everyday seem too much for them to accomplish, though they generally succeed in fulfilling their task. For those who believe that some part, of mind or body, needs to be strengthened before they can easily fulfil their work. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Thus every moment of our work and play will bring with it a zeal for learning, a desire to experience real things, real adventures and deeds worth-while…[Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For a temporary state of mental/physical tiredness when a lack of energy causes loss of interest, weariness and inability to cope with mundane affairs. Good for convalescents who feel unable to return to work though perfectly fit. Symptoms are predominant fatigue, lassitude, inclination to lie in bed in mornings, feel they cannot face the burden of the day. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Impatiens Indication Those who are quick in thought and action and wish all things to be done without hesitation or delay. When ill they are anxious for a hasty recovery. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation You are striving for exquisite gentleness and forgiveness, and that beautiful mauve flower, Impatiens, which grows along the sides of some Welsh streams, will, with its blessing, help you along the road. [Bach] State of Being At all times when there is impatience. Impatient with themselves, wanting to hurry things, wanting to do things quickly, wanting to get well at once, to be out and about again. Impatient with others, irritable over little things, difficult to keep their temper. Cannot wait. This state is common and often a good sign during convalescence, and the restfulness this remedy brings hastens recovery. There is often impatience in severe pain and so Impatiens is of great value at those times to relieve the pain and calm the patient. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Larch Indication For those who do not consider themselves as good or capable as those around them, who expect failure, who feel they will never be a success, and so do not venture or make a strong enough attempt to succeed. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation We chose the earthly occupation, and the external circumstances that will give us the best opportunities of testing us to the full: we come with the full realization of our particular work: we come with the unthinkable privilege of knowing that all our battles are won before they are fought, that victory is certain before ever the test arrives, because we know that we are children of the Creator, and as such are Divine, unconquerable and invincible. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For those who lack confidence in themselves, they expect failure and feel they will never succeed and so do not try hard enough, they are hesitant and procrastinate, succumb easily and feel inferior. Their sense of failure makes them despondent though in fact they are perfectly capable if they could persevere. Symptoms may include general depression and this is often associated with impotence. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Mimulus Indication Fear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, of dark, of being alone, of misfortune. The fears of everyday life. These people quietly and secretly bear their dread, they do not speak freely of it to others. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Fear in reality holds no place in the natural human kingdom, since the Divinity within us, which is ourself, is unconquerable and immortal, and if we could but realise it we, as Children of God, have nothing of which to be afraid. [Bach] State of Being To combat all fear. Fear of disease, of accidents, of unknown things. Fear of people, of relatives, of strangers, of crowds, of noise, of talking or of being questioned, of being alone. Fear of damp, of cold, of heat, of the dark. Fear of complications in illness, or of being incurable. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Mustard Indication Those who are liable to times of gloom, or even despair, as though a cold dark cloud overshadowed them and hid the light and the joy of life. It may not be possible to give any reason or explanation for such attacks. Under these conditions it is almost impossible to appear happy or cheerful. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation In all things cheerfulness should be encouraged, and we should refuse to be oppressed by doubt and depression, but remember that such are not of ourselves, for our Souls know only joy and happiness. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For depression that comes for no apparent reason from an unknown cause, gloom, deep sadness, melancholy, usually serious people who feel that they suffer periodic affliction from a malefic star. Depression is intense and cannot be alleviated until it lifts as unexpectedly as it came. All joy and peace is driven out of life for the duration. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Oak Indication For those who are struggling and fighting strongly to get well, or in connection with the affairs of their daily life. They will go on trying one thing after another, though their case may seem hopeless. They will fight on. They are discontented with themselves if illness interferes with their duties or helping others. They are brave people, fighting against great difficulties, without loss of hope or effort. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Our whole object is to realise our faults, and endeavour so to develop the opposing virtue that the faults will disappear from us like snow melts in the sunshine. Don’t fight your worries: don’t struggle with your disease: don’t grapple with your infirmities: rather forget them in concentrating on the development of the virtue you require. [Bach] Chronic Conditions Oak is for the type of people who, although they feel hopeless of any cure, still struggle and are irritated that they are ill. These people have physical diseases which tend to go on for years and, although they feel quite hopeless about themselves, they still go on trying and struggling. The illnesses of this type are where much balance is lost, mental and physical. Mental, such as severe nervous breakdowns, or such types of insanity which can be described as completely unbalanced (where there is great loss of control); and the same in the bodily state, where the patient loses control over parts of the body or its functions. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Olive Chronic Conditions For those who are pale, worn-out and exhausted, perhaps after much worry, illness, grief, or some long struggle. In every way they are very tired and feel as if they had no more strength to fight on, and at times hardly know how to keep going. They may depend very much upon others for help. In some, the skin is very dry and may be wrinkled. [Bach] Indication Those who have suffered much mentally or physically and are so exhausted and weary that they feel that they have no more strength to make any effort. Daily life is hard work for them, without pleasure. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation We each have a Divine mission in this world, and so our souls use our minds and bodies as instruments to do this work, so that when all three are working in unison the result is perfect health and perfect happiness. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Pine Indication For those who blame themselves. Even when successful they think they could have done better, and are never content with their efforts or the results. They are hard-working and suffer much from the faults they attach to themselves. Sometimes if there is any mistake it is due to another, but they will claim responsibility even for that. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Health is, therefore, the true realisation of what we are: we are perfect: we are the children of God. There is no striving to gain what we have already attained. We are merely here to manifest in material form the perfection with which we have been endowed from the beginning of all time. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For self-reproach, guilt, those who blame themselves, self-condemnation, often assuming responsibility for a situation that is not their fault. They are discontented and critical of themselves, over-conscientious, apologetic and over-humble. The constant effort they make to improve themselves may lead to tiredness and depression. Helps to alleviate any feelings of guilt. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Red Chestnut Indication For those who find it difficult not to be anxious for other people. Often they have ceased to worry about themselves, but for those of whom they are fond they may suffer much, frequently anticipating some unfortunate thing may to happen to them. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Everyone of us also has sympathy with those in distress, and naturally so, because we have all been in distress ourselves at some time in our lives. So that not only can we heal ourselves, but we have the great privilege of being able to help others to heal themselves, and the only qualifications necessary are love and sympathy. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For those who find it difficult not to be anxious for other people, anticipate trouble, imagine the worst, worry over other’s troubles, over-concern for problems of the world, fear that a small complaint of another will become a serious problem, project anxiety. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Rock Rose Indication The rescue remedy. The remedy of emergency for cases where there even appears no hope. In accidents or sudden illness, or when the patient is very frightened or terrified, or if the condition is serious enough to cause great fear to those around. If the patient is not conscious the lips may be moistened with the remedy. Other remedies in addition may also be required, as, if there is unconsciousness, which is a deep, sleepy state, Clematis; if there is torture, Agrimony, and so on. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation All fear must be cast out; it should never exist in the human mind, and is only possible when we lose sight of our Divinity. It is foreign to us because as Sons of the Creator, Sparks of the Divine Life, we are invincible, indestructible and unconquerable. [Bach] State of Being This is the rescue remedy. In cases of urgency and danger. Whenever things are desperate. In all cases of danger of life. When the patient is terrified or in a panic. In cases when all hope is lost. When there is danger to the mind, of threatened suicide or insanity, or nervous breakdown, fear of death or hopeless depression. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Rock Water Indication Those who are very strict in their way of living; they deny themselves many of the joys and pleasures of life because they consider it might interfere with their work. They are hard masters to themselves. They wish to be well strong and active, and will do anything which they believe will keep them so. They hope to examples which will appeal to others who may then follow their ideas and be better as a result. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation This remedy brings great peace and understanding, broadens the outlook that all people must find perfection in their own individual way, and brings the realisation of ‘being’ and not ‘doing’; of being in ourselves a reflection of Great Things and not attempting to put forward our own ideas. [Bach] Chronic Conditions These people are people of ideals. They have very strong opinions about religion or politics, or reform. Well-meaning enough and wishing to see the world different and better, they tend to confine their efforts of help to criticism instead of example. They allow their minds and largely their lives to be ruled by their theories. Any failure to make others follow their ideas brings them much unhappiness. They want to plan the world according to their own outlook, instead of quietly and gently doing a little in the Great Plan. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Scleranthus Indication Those who suffer much from being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming right then the other. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Instability can be eradicated by the development of self-determination, by making up the mind and doing things with a definiteness instead of wavering and hovering. Even if at first we may sometimes make errors, it were better to act than to let opportunities pass for want of a decision. Determination will soon grow; fear of plunging into life will disappear, and the experiences gained will guide our mind to better judgement. [Bach] State of Being Those who are unable to make up their minds as to what they want, first one thing seems right and then another. Their wishes, like their bodily symptoms, seem to come and go. If they have temperatures these swing up and down. They are undetermined and unable to decide quickly or definitely, and their decisions quickly change. Uncertainty of bodily actions, giddiness, shaking, jerky uncontrolled movements, unsteady walking. Their moods change quickly, first cheery then depressed. Their conversation may rapidly jump from one subject to another. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Star of Bethlehem Indication For those in great distress under conditions which for a time produce great unhappiness. The shock of serious news, the loss of someone dear, the fright following an accident, and such like. For those who for a time refuse to be consoled this remedy brings comfort. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation …to remain in such a state of peace that the trials and disturbances of the world leave us unruffled, is a great attainment indeed and brings to us that Peace which passeth understanding; and though at first it may seem to be beyond our dreams, it is in reality, with patience and perseverance, within the reach of us all. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For shock, grief, distress, for those who need consolation and comfort, for bad news, an accident, a fright, a narrow escape, for delayed shock, to neutralize effects of any shock past or present, even the shock of birth. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Sweet Chestnut Indication For those moments which happen to some people when the anguish is so great as to seem to be unendurable. When the mind or body feels as if it had borne to the uttermost limit of its endurance, and that now it must give way. When it seems there is nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation But in the darkest hours, and when success seems well-nigh impossible, let us ever remember that God’s children should never be afraid, that our Souls only give us such tasks as we are capable of accomplishing , and that with our own courage and faith in the Divinity within us victory must come to all who continue to strive. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For a time of terrible anguish and despair when we are at uttermost limits of endurance, there appears to be no light or love left in the world, nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face, utter desolation, unable even to pray, the ‘dark night of the soul’. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Vervain Indication Those with fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right, and which they very rarely change. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation We should strive to be so gentle, so quiet, so patiently helpful that we move among our fellow men more as a breath of air or a ray of sunshine: ever ready to help them when they ask: but never forcing them to our own views. [Bach] State of Being The strong-willed. Those who are intense of mind, who tend to over-exert themselves mentally and physically. They refuse to be beaten and will carry on long after others would have given in. They go their own way. They have fixed ideas and are very certain that they know right. They may be obstinate in refusing treatment until compelled. They may be carried away by their enthusiasm and cause themselves much strain. In all things tend to be too serious and tense. Life is a very arduous thing for them. They have their own strong views and sometimes wish to bring others to their point of view and are intolerant of the opinions of others. They do not like to listen to advice. They are often people with big ideals and ambitions for the good of humanity. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Vine Indication Very capable people, certain of their own ability, confident of success. Being so assured, they think that it would be for the benefit of others if they could be persuaded to do things as they themselves do, or as they are certain is right. Even in illness they will direct their attendants. They may be of great value in emergency. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation If we set everybody and everything around us at liberty, we find that in return we are richer in love and possessions than ever we were before, for that love that gives freedom is the great love that binds the closer. [Bach] Chronic Conditions Those who are very particular. They are so sure that they know right, both for themselves and for others, how things should be done that it makes them critical and exacting. They wish for everything just in their own way, and give orders to those helping them. Even then they are difficult to satisfy. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock Walnut Indication For those who have definite ideals and ambitions in life and are fulfilling them, but on rare occasions are tempted to be led away from their own ideas, aims and work by the enthusiasm, convictions or strong opinions of others. The remedy gives constancy and protection from outside influences. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation We must gain our freedom absolutely and completely, so that all we do, our every action – nay even our every thought – derives its origin in ourselves, thus enabling us to live and give freely of our own accord, and of our own accord alone. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For those who need protection from outside influences when the foundations of life are unsettled during a major change in life – teething, puberty, starting a new school/career/job, any fundamental alteration in mental, emotional or physical state. Helps to break with the old and establish pattern of the new. Guards against anything which interferes with the workings of normal life, protects those who are attacked by subtle forces. Known as the link breaker. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Water Violet Indication For those who in health or illness like to be alone. Very quiet people, who move about without noise, speak little, and then gently. Very independent, capable and self-reliant. Almost free of the opinions of others. They are aloof, leave people alone and go their own way. Often clever and talented. Their peace and calmness is a blessing to those around them. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation …you are learning to stand absolutely alone in the world, gaining the intense joy of complete freedom, and therefore of perfect service to mankind. And when this is realised it is no longer sacrifice but the exquisite joy of helpfulness even under all conditions. [Bach] State of Being These are very beautiful people in mind and often in body. They are gentle, quiet, very refined and cultured and yet are masters of their fate and lead their lives with a quiet determination and certainty. Like to be much alone. In illness they may be a little proud and aloof and if so this reacts upon them. Even so, they are very brave and try to fight alone and unaided and be of no anxiety or trouble to those around. They are brave souls indeed who seem to know their work in life and do it with a quiet certain will. They do not often form strong attachments even to those nearest them. They bear adversity and illness calmly, quietly and bravely without complaint. [Bach]
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Healing Herbs Stock White Chestnut Indication For those who cannot prevent thoughts, ideas, arguments which they do not desire from entering their minds. Usually at such times when the interest of the moment is not strong enough to keep the mind full. Thoughts which worry and will remain, or if for a time thrown out, will return. They seem to circle round and round and cause mental torture. The presence of such unpleasant thoughts drives out peace and interferes with being able to think only of the work or pleasure of the day. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation …the perfect method of learning this is by calm thought and meditation, and by bringing ourselves to such an atmosphere of peace that our Souls are able to speak to us through our conscience and intuition and to guide us according to their wishes. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For a pattern of thoughts which constantly repeats and gives no rest to the mind, continual internal argument, worry and chatter, mental congestion. Thoughts circulate without resolution, going over and over the same conflict, preoccupation that obstructs clarity, a drama forever re-enacted in the mind and gives no rest. Symptoms may include tiredness, insomnia, confusion, depression, guilt feelings, repetition of a topic in conversation, lack of calmness, nervous worry, often causes headaches. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Wild Oat Indication Those who have ambitions to do something of prominence in life, who wish to have much experience, and to enjoy all that which is possible for them, to take life to the full. Their difficulty is to determine what occupation to follow; as although their ambitions are strong, they have no calling which appeals to them above all others. This may cause delay and dissatisfaction. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Let us find one thing in life that attracts us most and do it. Let that one thing be so part of us that it is as natural as breathing; as natural as it is for the bee to collect honey, and the tree to shed its old leaves in autumn and bring forth new ones in the spring. If we study nature we find that every creature, bird, tree and flower has its definite part to play, its own definite and peculiar work through which it aids and enriches the entire Universe. [Bach: Collected Writings] Chronic Conditions It is a remedy that may be needed by anyone, and in cases which do not respond to other herbs, or even when it seems difficult to decide which to give, try this for at least a week. If the patient does well, continue with it so long as they improve before changing to another remedy. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Wild Rose Indication Those who without apparently sufficient reason become resigned to all that happens, and just glide through life, take it as it is, without any effort to improve things and find some joy. They have surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936] Affirmation Resignation, which makes one become merely an unobservant passenger on the journey of life, opens the door to untold adverse influences which would never have an opportunity of gaining admittance as long as our daily existence brought with it the spirit and joy of adventure. [Bach: Collected Writings] Emotional State For resignation, apathy, surrender, failure to make effort, fatalism, just drift down hill, dullness, lack of interest, no spark or vitality, sense of monotony, expressionless drone to voice, weariness, a dull companion. [Barnard: Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies]
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Healing Herbs Stock Willow Indication For those who have suffered adversity or misfortune and find these difficult to accept, without complaint or resentment, as they judge life much by the success it brings. They feel that they have not deserved so great a trial, that it was unjust, and they become embittered. They often take less interest and less activity in those things of life which they had previously enjoyed. Affirmation We are not all asked to be saints or martyrs or men of renown; to most of us less conspicuous offices are allotted. But we are all expected to understand the joy and adventure of life and to fulfil with cheerfulness the particular piece of work which has been ordained for us by our Divinity. Emotional State For those who suffer any small adversity with bitterness and resentment, they blame others and feel hard done by, they are self-centred, self-pitying, self-justifying, feel wronged, sulk and bear grudges, will feel slighted and constantly dissatisfied, lack humour. Symptoms may include constant frowning, grumbling, spread a gloom and negative feeling, a difficult patient since nothing pleases, reluctant to admit improvement.
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